Saturday, September 5, 2009

Easy Shit

It's easy to say things, whether you have a good idea or a bad one, but the execution of said idea is very difficult. It just proves that life is a bitch.

I'm listening to a lecture by Senator Mike Revelle, an old man who was running for presidency last year. This man was well researched and gave delicious ideas as to what our country should do to better the governed. He mentions freedom as defined by Cicero: "a participation in power." Senator Revelle is quick to mention how all the technologies that currently exist could be used to better the world, but we are not dedicating enough resources to exploit them and better the world. He mentions that China and Europe have already taken initiatives to be progressive and actually USE current technology, like windmills and hydrogen fuel, without a single setback or negative effect. According to this man, the US has the resources to accomplish more than it currently is, but the people have not taken it upon themselves to make this stuff happen....and this is partly because at the federal level, we do not have any power. We must be lawmakers if we want to see this type of change.

It is inspiring.

Anyway, I like to compare stuff like this to my everyday life. And one thing that i've noticed is that it is easy to say "ok" or "yes." I know i'm being cynical in thinking that less than half the people who are inspired by the speech will be hardcore enough to actually do what they were inspired to do. It reminds me of all the things I've wanted to do, but never really took upon myself to do.

Because excecution is tough, people. It's tough.

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